Category: AZ Faces


35 Years of Pinnacle Aviation

For 35 years, Scottsdale-based Pinnacle Aviation — founded and co-owned by Curt Pavlicek and his wife, Terry — has been a leader in private jet charters, sales and so much more.

Style It Forward

Phoenix-based fashion designer Jean Marie Clarke’s multicultural clothing blends Indian artistry and timeless Italian style with sustainability and goodwill.

Horse Sense

Eighteen years after the conception of Tierra Madre Horse Sanctuary, Jim Gath thinks back to the scores of horses who found their forever home in his nonprofit ranch.

Worldwide Wonder

Global studies program advisor Elizabeth Erickson guides Boulder Creek High School students Aishah Alquran, Alexis Hill and Madeleine Baird on their global journey.

Pioneer of the Preserve

On March 14, 1873, John Gregory Bourke departed from Camp McDowell and led an expedition through what is now known as McDowell Mountain Regional Park and the McDowell Sonoran Preserve.

Festive Reflections

Photographer Nick Pease has captured some of the best representations of lights around Arizona, which we hope will bring unto you festive reflections of whatever it is that you are celebrating this season.

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