Tag: through

Through a Different Light: The Photography of William Fields

We’ve all witnessed the beauty of the desert, from its subtle seasons to its powerful storms, but Missouri-based photographer and author William Fields has captured its wonder in a whole new light. Through the use of infrared photography, Fields shares an almost other-wordly view of our own Arizona back yard. We’re thrilled to share his work in our pages.

Kyle Cass: Seeing Color Through New Eyes

The brilliant blue feathers of a macaw, the glistening red eye of a tree frog and the individually nuanced threads of fur on a cougar cub—they’re all part of Kyle Cass’s ever-expanding body of work. The collection is especially impressive considering that the artist is just 15 years old. Throw in the fact that Cass is colorblind and it’s practically astounding.

Life Through the Lens: Edward S. Curtis

The sands of time have a way of honing the past, shaping and polishing it so that generations to come can judge it more clearly. At times, the decades or centuries reveal horrors we hope to never repeat. But sometimes what is revealed is nothing less than greatness.

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