Tag: miles

Miles Beneath My Feet: Undetectable

In October 2017, I was sent to the urologist because the results of a routine blood test came back with an unusually high PSA reading. The urologist put me through a series of other tests, including a biopsy of the prostate, and in early December 2017, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Miles Beneath of Feet: Crown King… Again.

Busy, busy, busy. So many things to do. Long days. Never enough time. Appointments to schedule and keep. Family members to see. A wedding to attend. Preparations. Planning. A business to run. Supplies to purchase. Trash to take out.

The Path: Miles Beneath My Feet

Anthem resident Lanny Nelson, known affectionately as “Lan the Running Man,” has logged about 75,000 miles in his running shoes. Recently, he embarked on a new, more challenging journey: surviving prostate cancer. Lanny has chosen to share his battle, and his hope, with our Images Arizona family.

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