Tag: Scottsdale

Rediscovering Rhapsody

Fondly recalling joyful memories of music-making during their youth, Cave Creek residents Greg and Olga Barker recently uncovered opportunities at Desert Hills Community School of Music to not only share that joy with their four young daughters but also rekindle it in their own lives.

A Holly Jolly Journey Around Arizona

From the luminaria-lined streets of Sedona to the joyful sounds of Mariachi carolers in Tucson, Images Arizona takes you on a journey through Arizona’s most enchanting holiday events and traditions.

Life And Art, Intertwined

Husband-and-wife duo Joe Axton and Mari Giddings are two artistic souls who combine into one, in life and in art, as they create paintings, sculptures and mixed-media works.

Preserving A Design Legacy

Blake Sutton is carrying on his father Tony’s legacy and pushing Est Est and its team to the forefront of Arizona’s — and the country’s — design world.

Sparking Creative Connections

Sharing the distinct honor of having had their work selected to grace the cover of the directory for this fall’s 27th annual Hidden in the Hills Artist Studio Tour, Sharon Albrektsen, Jacki Cohen, Carol McDonald and Kelly Charveaux are driven to create.

Sharing A Passion For Art

Jan and Rick Griggs are two of 164 artists at 41 studios throughout Cave Creek, Carefree and North Scottsdale that will be participating in this fall’s 27th annual Hidden in the Hills Artist Studio Tour.

Legacies Of Valor

Veterans Heritage Project is celebrating its 20th anniversary of building a better America while simultaneously preserving legacies of sacrifice, service, duty and loyalty.

A World Of Imagination

Phoenix-based muralist Isaac Caruso’s new children’s book “Sam & Sara” is a love letter to Arizona and a celebration of neurodivergency.

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