Category: AZ Faces


Molten Masterpieces

Explore the creative genius and scientific precision behind the breathtaking glass art of Stephen Gartner and Danielle Blade, the renowned duo of Gartner Blade.

The Art of Algorithms

Dive into the pioneering multimedia works of Phoenix artist Casey Farina, who harnesses generative algorithms and explores concepts like randomness and indeterminacy to sculpt immersive, interactive audiovisual experiences.

Schoolhouse Tech!

Canyon Springs STEM Academy in Anthem is pioneering a cutting-edge STEM education program that integrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics into every aspect of their curriculum from pre-K through 8th grade.

Fitz’s Supper Club: A Legendary Evening

On Monday, April 29, former Arizona Cardinal and philanthropist Larry Fitzgerald, Jr. will host the 14th annual Fitz’s Supper Club fundraiser, in partnership with Dominick’s Steakhouse at Scottsdale Quarter.

Artistry Unleashed

Artist Carol Lei Bendell is finding her happy place — and helping others find theirs — through portraits of the dogs, cats, birds, tortoises and other animals that bring purpose, constant companionship and unconditional love to many of our lives.

Beyond the Battlefield

America’s Mighty Warriors honors the sacrifices of our troops, veterans and Gold Star families by providing programs that improve quality of life, resiliency and recovery.

Driving Down Memory Lane

Housed in a by-appointment-only private viewing space in Scottsdale, Janet Cussler’s vintage automobile collection represents her love not only for her late husband — bestselling author Clive Cussler — but also for fine art and history.

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